"The Wisdom of the Bullfrog" (2023). penned by Admiral William H. McRaven, a distinguished American naval admiral, provides invaluable insights into the art of leadership, gleaned from his impressive 40-year military career. Whether you are a seasoned leader looking to hone your skills or an aspiring leader seeking guidance, these tia sách offers a simple yet profound roadmap to successful leadership.
Admiral William H. McRaven, a celebrated US Navy SEAL, spent 37 years in the military, commanding at all levels and culminating his service as a Four-Star Admiral1 overseeing all U.S. Special Operations Forces. Renowned for his literary works, McRaven has authored three New York Times bestsellers - "Make Your Bed", "Sea Stories: My Life in Special Operations", and "The Hero Code: Lessons Learned from Lives Well Lived". Upon retiring from the Navy, he took the helm as the Chancellor of the University of Texas System from 2015 to 2018. He currently resides in Austin, Texas with his family.
A four-star admiral is a high-ranking officer in the United States Navy or the Coast Guard. The rank is one of the highest achievable, only surpassed by a five-star admiral, which is a special rank that's rarely used.