In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts (2008) delves deep into the intricate maze of addiction, weaving together heartfelt real-life stories of addicts—who are frequently marginalized in society—with scientific analyses of why and how addiction takes hold. Recognized as a #1 international bestseller, it not only highlights the often overlooked origins and societal implications of addiction but also underscores the paramount importance of self-compassion in the journey of recovery.
Dr. Gabor Maté is a renowned Canadian physician with a diverse career spanning several decades. From running a family practice to serving as the medical coordinator at a palliative care unit and being the go-to physician at a facility catering to those with severe addiction, his contributions to the medical field are extensive. Dr. Maté's expertise extends to areas like addiction, stress, childhood development, and mental health, earning him significant accolades including the 2011 Civic Merit Award of the City of Vancouver and Order of Canada in 2018, the nation's highest civilian honor. As a sought-after speaker and bestselling author, his influential books such as "When the Body Says No," "Scattered Minds," and "The Myth of Normal" have been translated into over thirty languages.